Über mich
Willkommen auf meiner Website.
Ich heiße Manuel Weinmann und lebe in Günzburg.
Seit 2019 fotografiere ich nun hobbymäßig mit dem Ziel irgendwann mit meinem Hobby auch etwas zu verdienen.
Momentan biete ich meine Arbeit auf TFP Basis an, das bedeutet, dass die aus einer Zusammenarbeit entstehenden Bilder (in digitaler Form) nichts kosten.
Was habe ich davon? Ich habe dadurch die Möglichkeit meine Fähigkeiten zu verbessern und kann die Bilder für meine Eigenwerbung nutzen (z. B. hier auf der Website oder Instagram).
Hier möchte ich ein paar Eindrücke liefern und eine Möglichkeit zur Kontaktaufnahme bieten.

Are you looking for a photographer near you?
Do you want professional photos for your online presence or high-quality photo prints?
With Weinmann Manuel Photography I would like to offer you this in the Günzburg area.
What does a shoot cost?
It's free!
Photography is my hobby that I would like to expand and that is why I offer my services free of charge for the time being (provided there are no costs for me).
The images are therefore created on a TFP basis.
What does TFP mean?
TFP means "Time for Prints" or "Time for Pictures", so I do not ask for payment and would like to use the pictures for my self-promotion (on Instagram and here) and to expand my portfolio.
Why do I take photos on a TFP basis?
I would like to improve my skills, build contacts and increase my awareness in order to be able to earn money with my hobby at a later point in time.
Even if it is said that a photographer should specialize in one field and in my case this would be People Photography still wants to cover as much as possible.
Why? Because I enjoy it.
I would like to try to fulfill all wishes here, from portrait, wedding, advertising, landscape, aerial photography to video.

Manuel Weinmann
89312 Günzburg